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In order to achieve the required carbon emissions reductions in an affordable and environmentally responsible manner that also retains stability and security in the electricity grid, Ireland must implement a wider range of technology options than is outlined in the current Climate Action Plan.


Ireland plans that 80% of our electricity will be generated by renewables by 2030. Along with more wind and solar energy, the Climate Action Plan includes the burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation, and Ireland has plans to build more gas turbines in the coming years. We estimate that introducing 18% nuclear energy into a renewables-dominated power system could eliminate fossil fuels from the power sector and reduce emissions to their minimum by 2037.


Nuclear power is an extremely low carbon form of reliable electricity generation and is the cornerstone of many countries' decarbonization strategies. Ireland currently has two statutory bans on nuclear power and is not being considered by the Irish Government for its potential role in our clean energy future. We aim to present the environmental and economic case for modern nuclear energy to all key stakeholders and to outline Ireland’s capability to operate a robust nuclear power programme.



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